4 Tips to Play it Safe on Spring Break

As the temperatures heat up and weather conditions become clear, West Virginians are seeking out spring break vacation opportunities to soak up the sun. State park campsites are reopening, COVID-19 restrictions have lessened in many states, and folks are more than ready to enjoy this year (and last year’s) spring and summer. But while you…

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Swimming Pool Liability in West Virginia

Swimming pools present wonderful opportunities for both children and adults to have fun, particularly when the weather is warm. However, swimming pools also pose significant risks that most people do not think about when splashing into the cool water. Unfortunately, there are times when the careless or negligent actions of swimming pool owners or property…

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We’ve Got Practice in Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice is defined as when a hospital, doctor, or another healthcare professional, through a negligent act or omission, causes an injury to a patient. According to researchers at Johns Hopkins, 400,000 people die each year in the United States due to “preventable medical errors.” Amazingly, only about two percent of the victims file a…

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Understanding West Virginia’s Pedestrian Laws

Pedestrian safety is paramount in all jurisdictions throughout West Virginia. In general, pedestrians have significant rights of way throughout the state. Here, we want to give a brief overview of pedestrian laws in West Virginia so that both drivers and pedestrians understand their rights and obligations on and around the roads. Responsibilities of Drivers Motorists…

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