The 7 Types of Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is abhorrent and tragically common throughout the United States. The abuse of elderly adults can happen in an in-home setting, in a nursing home, or in another type of medical facility. It is crucial that loved ones understand the different types of elder abuse that can occur as well as when they should…

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5 Signs of Medical Malpractice

Preventable medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins. Unfortunately, thousands of people are injured or killed each year due to the careless or negligent actions of medical professionals. Here, we want to discuss five signs that your loved one may have been the…

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COVID-19 and Children’s Online Privacy

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered the way that we live our daily lives. The pandemic has affected children, particularly the time they spend online on various devices. Millions of children around the country had been forced to rely on home computers and other electronic devices for distance learning, recreational activities, social media, and more….

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Protecting Your Finances During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unbelievable amount of financial stress for many individuals throughout the country. The hardships caused by job loss have sent ripple effects throughout the economy here in West Virginia. It is vital that you take steps to protect your finances and the financial health of your family. The CARES Act…

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Is Wrongful Death a Civil Suit?

Most people have heard of wrongful death cases, but they may not quite understand what they are and what their purpose is. Wrongful death cases can arise anytime a person loses their life due to the careless or negligent actions of another individual, company, or entity. Wrongful death laws in West Virginia allow surviving family…

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