Preventing Slip & Fall Injuries in the Elderly

Slip and fall incidents can lead to devastating injuries, particularly for the elderly. Unfortunately, slip and fall accidents are not uncommon, and they often occur due to the careless or negligent actions of property owners. Preventing slip and fall incidents is of vital importance. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one…

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Is the COVID-19 Pandemic Causing More Truck Accidents?

COVID-19 has significantly altered both business operations and life in America. Many states have seen a spike in fatal car accidents during COVID-19, and there may have been an increase in truck accidents as well. In the early days of the pandemic, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) suspended the hours of service requirements…

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Caregiver Stress and Elder Abuse

Caregivers face incredibly stressful situations on a daily basis. However, elder abuse is also common. Unfortunately, caregiver stress and elder abuse sometimes go hand in hand. Elder abuse is vastly understudied and underreported in the United States, but the reality is that much of the abuse that the elderly sustain is perpetrated by their caregivers….

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How to Road Trip Safely During COVID-19

If you are planning a road trip right now, there are certain precautions you need to be aware of concerning the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The risks of contracting and spreading this virus are real, and it is strongly recommended that you avoid any unnecessary trips. However, there are various reasons why a person or their…

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COVID-19 Pool Safety Tips for Families

This will likely be known as the summer of COVID-19. While our attention has been on the health crisis, the weather has undeniably heated up, which means that many people are wondering whether or not it is safe to go to the pool. This is particularly true for parents with children who have plenty of…

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COVID-19 Consumer Scams in West Virginia

We trust businesses and the government to be truthful. However, the reality is that sometimes scammers pose as business or government officials in an effort to steal money. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many scammers attempting to take advantage of consumers in West Virginia. At Tiano O’Dell, PLLC, our consumer protection attorneys want…

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