What Are Non-Economic Damages In A Personal Injury Case?

If a victim in a personal injury case can prove the defendant’s liability, there are two main types of compensation they can recover – economic and non-economic damages. Most people know about and understand economic damages in these cases. These include things like medical bills, lost income, loss of earning capacity, household services, out-of-pocket expenses,…

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Teen Driving Laws In West Virginia

Driving is a big responsibility, which is why it is so important for teenagers to learn the laws of the roadway over extended periods of time. No state simply issues a teenager a driver’s license. In West Virginia, those between the ages of 15 and 17 get their license through the Graduated Driver’s License (GDL)…

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Is It Dangerous To Eat And Drive?

Most people understand that distracted driving is dangerous driving. More and more, we hear of serious car accidents happening due to drivers that are distracted for one reason or another. Many people only think of electronic devices such as cell phones when they hear the words ‘distracted driving.’ However, many other things happen inside of…

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Fraternity and Sorority Related Injuries: Who’s Liable?

Tragedy recently struck on the West Virginia University (WVU) campus at the Sigma Nu fraternity house when a student sustained serious injuries after falling two-stories. Unfortunately, fraternity related injuries and deaths are all too common, and that is especially true on the WVU campus. An investigation into the latest severe injury is continuing. William Tiano…

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Zantac Recall: Are You at Risk?

The popular heartburn relief medication, Zantac, is being pulled off drugstore shelves nationwide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered that the over-the-counter medication and its generic form, ranitidine, be recalled due to unacceptable levels of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a nitrosamine impurity and probable human carcinogen found in the medicines. Luckily, the Charleston-based law firm,…

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What is a Demand Letter?

One important part of the personal injury settlement process is called the demand letter. A demand letter is sent to the insurance carrier or other parties involved in an insurance claim or lawsuit to “demand” appropriate compensation for injuries and damages an at-fault party caused. Some of the most common types of West Virginia personal…

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