Can I File a Claim if I’m Injured in an Uber?

When a person is injured in a car accident that was caused by the negligent or careless actions of another person, a personal injury claim enables them to recover compensation for their damages. Many people wonder if they are able to recover compensation if they have been injured while riding in an Uber. If you…

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What are the Types of Paralysis?

When a person suffers from paralysis, it dramatically affects their lives. Paralysis happens in different ways and varies in severity. Victims of paralysis often require long-term or lifelong medical care. This can become a tremendous expense for a victim and their family. How does paralysis occur? There are various causes of paralysis: Strokes Cerebral palsy…

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Responding to a Low Settlement Offer

If you or a loved one are injured in an accident that was caused by the careless or negligent actions of another person, you should be entitled to compensation. This process can become incredibly complex and you may need a West Virginia personal injury attorney to help. You also need to know what happens if…

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Ask an Expert: What to Know About Truck Crashes

Within the last two decades, the number of truck crashes has increased by 20 percent. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,897 individuals died, and 130,000 people were injured in crashes that involved a large truck in 2002. While the majority of trucking companies follow the rules of the road some of…

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Ask an Expert: What to Know About Elder Abuse

Roughly two million elders in the United States are victims of abuse. And, when you have a loved one in a nursing facility, that statistic can be concerning. In fact, statistics from federal and state authorities record that almost one-third of nursing homes throughout the United States have been issued citations for abuse infractions and…

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What is Uterine Rupture?

Expectant mothers hope for easy pregnancies that are free from major complications. They want to have a safe labor and a delivery that ensure their child is born healthy. Unfortunately, there are several complications that can arise during a delivery. One of those complications is a uterine rupture. In many cases, these incidents are caused…

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