Brain Injury Safety Tips and Prevention

Brain injuries are often severe and can leave a person with permanent disabilities. They happen in a variety of ways, but sports-related brain injuries are very common in the United States. Awareness of brain injuries has risen in the United States over the last decade thanks to research on sports-related incidents. However, we still have…

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5 Signs of a Drunk Driver to Watch for on the Road

Nobody should ever be on the road after they have had too much alcohol to drink. The results can be devastating. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 10,874 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes during the latest reporting year. West Virginia saw 71 alcohol-related crash fatalities in 2018. It is important to…

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Safety Tips for Pets on July 4

Our pets become part of the family, which is why it is so important to take steps to keep them safe on Independence Day. With so many activities going on around the July 4 holiday, it can be easy to forget that our dog, cats, and other pets can get scared or hurt. Today, we…

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How Often Does Medical Malpractice Occur?

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional causes injury to their patient. Medical malpractice is not necessarily purposeful – most times, the professional being charged with malpractice is not immediately aware of where they went wrong. For instance, a doctor that forgot to sterilize their workspace could cause major injury via infection to a sick…

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How to File a Medical Malpractice Claim

Medical malpractice is an unfortunate consequence of physician-related negligence. This form of personal injury is extremely dangerous because it operates solely within the healthcare realm, making patients’ nightmares about problems like improper anesthetization nearly turn into reality. When a physician, who is meant to represent professionality and health-based knowledge, does not exercise the proper discretion…

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When Should I File a Car Accident Report?

Knowing which steps to take after a car accident is not common knowledge to everyone. Though many have a basic idea of what comes next, sometimes small details can escape in the stress of the moment. However, each driver is responsible for gathering the appropriate information about the different aspects of a car accident. Especially…

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How to Prepare for a Summer Road Trip

During the summer months, a road trip almost seems like a necessary rite of passage for drivers young and old. AAA estimates that four-in-ten adults plan to take trips during the year, with 68% of these family travelers making their trip during summer vacation. With the school-year closing out, it isn’t surprising that many parents…

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Why Are the Most Dangerous Roads in West Virginia?

West Virginia is not known for its superb driving conditions. Many drivers often speed and violate basic traffic laws, causing car accidents that have historically resulted in hundreds of fatalities each year. Aside from the high incidence of negligent drivers, West Virginia also contains dangerous roadways that contribute to accidents involving even sober drivers. However,…

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