Roundup: What You Should Know About Its Link to Cancer

With warm temperatures gradually making its way into the area, gardeners, farmers, and landscapers are gearing up for the upcoming planting season. However, a common tool that helps keep gardens and land pristine presents a potential danger. What is Roundup & Glyphosate? Monsanto’s Roundup is a popular spot-treatment herbicide used to eliminate weeds in gardens,…

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What is Logo Liability in Commercial Truck Accidents?

Americans face nearly constant bombardment from advertisements and logos, even on the road. Most drivers have noticed commercial trucks with company logos emblazoned on their trailers, but few realize that these logos can actually influence liability determinations in some accidents. Logo liability is the concept pertaining to responsibility for a truck accident based on the…

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Does Car Insurance Follow the Car or the Driver?

Virtually every driver in the United States must purchase and maintain auto insurance coverage in accordance with state laws for minimum coverage requirements. A fault-based state may require a certain amount of bodily injury, total accident, and property damage liability coverage. A no-fault state will require drivers to carry personal injury protection for use after…

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Can You Sue an Insurance Company for Denying a Claim?

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that essentially sell paid promises. In exchange for premium payments, the insurance company promises to cover damages in specific circumstances. Insurance companies must process and investigate all policyholder claims in good faith, that is, they must pay out on legitimate claims for covered damages even if the company suffers a…

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What Is a Contingency Fee?

The cost of legal representation is typically more than most average Americans can afford, especially for lengthy cases that take months or even years to resolve. Many attorneys bill their work for their clients by the hour, in increments of fifteen or even ten minutes. This can add up to a tremendous cost to the…

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How to Find a Personal Injury Lawyer

Finding the right attorney is a major decision, and some people with valid personal injury claims may struggle to find attorneys who offer the level of legal acumen and compassion they expect. If you or a loved one need legal counsel after a personal injury, consider the following tips to help you find the right…

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Questions to Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer

Hiring a personal injury attorney is a major decision. This individual will have the responsibility of securing compensation for your damages in a personal injury claim. Many of these cases can become complicated legal battles between you and another party. You must take the time to find an attorney with the necessary skills, experience, and…

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