Can You Sue for Misdiagnosis of Cancer?

When a doctor delivers a misdiagnosis of cancer, the resulting damage can be incredibly harmful. Such misdiagnoses can result in mistakenly clearing a patient of cancer, or failing to accurately diagnose cancer, allowing it to worsen. A false positive could lead a patient to undergo unnecessary intensive medical treatment like chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Patients…

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Can You Sue for Vaccine Injury?

Vaccines protect populations from communicable diseases and bacterial infections like diphtheria, measles, and polio. Today, most children receive a range of vaccines during their first years of life to protect them from these potentially fatal diseases. While vaccines are overwhelmingly effective, some patients do experience adverse reactions and some childhood vaccine reactions have caused long-term…

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What Is Anesthesia Awareness?

In a very small fraction of medical procedures, about one or two in every 1,000, patients experience a phenomenon called anesthesia awareness in which they essentially wake up during the procedure and become aware of their surroundings, despite being anesthetized. In some cases, patients are not able to explain what is happening to the surgeon….

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Can I Claim for Asbestos Exposure?

Asbestos exposure can lead to an extremely dangerous form of lung cancer known as mesothelioma. If you’ve worked near asbestos, discuss it with your doctor; people are not always immediately symptomatic for the cancer asbestos causes. Generally, asbestos exposure does constitute grounds for legal action, but only if a claimant’s situation meets specific criteria. Actual…

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What to Do If Exposed to Asbestos at Work

Asbestos is a substance that manufacturers used to produce insulation and fire-resistant materials. From the early 1900s to the mid-1990s, many companies used asbestos and asbestos products in building projects and commercial products, unaware of the dangers asbestos poses. Asbestos fibers breathed into the lungs can embed in lung tissue, and, over time, this causes…

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How to Choose a Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, a substance used for decades as an insulator and fire retardant. Unfortunately, many manufacturers of asbestos products knew of the dangers but continued producing asbestos products due to their widespread use in many commercial and residential building projects and product manufacturing. This…

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What Is a Staged Car Accident?

Getting into a car accident is confusing enough. Finding out that the other driver crashed into you intentionally as part of a staged car accident fraud scheme can make it more difficult to understand your rights. People may stage car accidents to deceive auto insurance companies and fraudulently receive compensation checks. If you suspect this…

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How to Avoid Hitting Deer

West Virginia is a top state for deer-vehicle collisions. It has come in as the number one state in State Farm’s annual deer collision claim study for 12 consecutive years. The likelihood of hitting a deer in West Virginia is one in 46 for 2018. The most dangerous months for deer activity are October through…

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West Virginia Winter Driving Tips

The average West Virginia winter sees low temperatures in the 20s, with 10 or more inches of snow. Winter precipitation from November to April makes the roads especially dangerous for drivers. Even locals who normally drive in the wintertime can get into accidents due to the snow, sleet, and ice. With temperatures swiftly dropping, refresh…

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