How Does a Recall Affect a Defective Product Injury Claim?

Product liability lawsuits are often rather straightforward – due to strict liability laws, an injured person can sue a manufacturer for a defective product without proving the manufacturer was negligent. It is enough for the victim and his or her West Virginia products liability lawyer to prove the defective product caused the injury for courts…

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Who Pays for Medical Mistakes?

When we check into a hospital, we expect nurses and doctors to address our health care needs carefully and professionally. We do not expect to leave in worse condition than we arrived in. Unfortunately, medical mistakes happen every day – ranging from adverse medication reactions to deadly surgical errors. When a health care practitioner negligently…

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Can You Sue a Hotel for Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are a fear for anyone who travels – and with good reason. These tiny bugs are painful, and they can be extremely difficult and expensive to get rid of once they have infested an area. If bed bugs hitchhiked onto your clothing or your luggage from a hotel room, you may be feeling…

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App Roundup: Best Apps for Lawyers

Because of regulations regarding confidentiality for lawyers, some attorneys haven’t realized the full potential of technology to grow their firm and make their day-to-day scheduling easier. The legal profession is fast-paced, and to keep up with it, attorneys should leverage technology to improve communication and organization. There are thousands of apps released each year, but…

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