Safety Tips for Pets on July 4

Our pets become part of the family, which is why it is so important to take steps to keep them safe on Independence Day. With so many activities going on around the July 4 holiday, it can be easy to forget that our dog, cats, and other pets can get scared or hurt. Today, we…

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Symptoms of Rabies After a Dog Bite

Dog bites are painful injuries, and the possibility of contracting infectious diseases from bites is equally worrisome. Most domesticated dogs receive shots to prevent rabies infections, however, bites from feral or unvaccinated dogs can cause rabies in humans. Rabies is an extremely dangerous medical condition requiring immediate treatment. Anyone who suffers a dog bite injury…

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How to Avoid Dog Bites

Many people think of dogs as “man’s best friend,” but they are capable of inflicting serious wounds on people. Some dogs bite to protect their owners and their homes, while others may do so out of fear or in response to provocation or aggression. People can avoid dog bites in several ways with a few…

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What Are Breed Bans – and Are They Effective?

Many animal behaviorists believe that violence is not an inherent trait in any particular breed, but rather the result of the individual animal’s characteristics and/or its upbringing. Whether or not this is the case, statistics do show a disproportionate number of accidents involving humans and specific breeds. Certain states, including West Virginia, have enacted breed…

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