Pain and Suffering Damages in West Virginia

The civil courts in West Virginia allow injured parties to recover for economic losses, such as accident-related medical bills, lost wages, and property damage in personal injury lawsuits. The courts also recognize that these aren’t the only harms victims may suffer. In many accidents, injured victims also have non-economic, or intangible, damages. A common category…

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What Laws Apply to a Stillbirth Case?

A stillbirth is a terrible tragedy that is traumatic for the mother, father, and other family members. While some stillbirths are unavoidable, others result from the negligence or incompetence of a healthcare professional during pregnancy, labor, or childbirth. Contact a West Virginia birth injury attorney immediately if the physicians could not give you a clear…

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Can I Sue My Employer for Asbestos Exposure?

An estimated 1.3 million people encounter significant amounts of asbestos in the workplace every day, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Manufacturers stopped using asbestos in the 1970s, but many older materials contain these harmful minerals that cause serious illness and death to thousands of people in the United States. Companies used…

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What Is the Federal Tort Claims Act?

When a federal hospital or other government establishment is responsible for your injuries, the process for filing a claim is different than in a typical personal injury case, but an experienced West Virginia injury lawyer can help just the same. There are numerous laws that you must obey when suing the government. One such law…

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How to Sue a Hospital for Medical Malpractice

Patients have the right to expect certain standards of care from doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. The hospital itself should ensure patient safety and high-quality care through sanitary equipment, working machines, and seamless communication. An act of negligence or malpractice at any point during the patient experience can lead to worsened outcomes and lower quality…

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What Are the Elements of a Negligence Claim?

Almost all personal injury cases center on the same legal theory – negligence. The negligence theory states that if a person fails to conduct him/herself according to the acceptable standards of behavior to avoid unreasonable risks of harm to others, that person is guilty of negligence. As such, the person may have to compensate victims…

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How to Report an Accident to Insurance

If you read the terms of your automobile insurance policy, you will likely find a clause that requires you to report any and all car accidents to the insurance carrier within a certain timeframe. Failure to do so can result in the insurer denying coverage for your crash for late reporting, or raising your premium…

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