How Safe Are Autonomous Cars?

Autonomous cars are no longer a design concept. Companies like Google have already started to test driverless vehicles on the road, and projections indicate the market will be full of driverless car options within the next five years. Most new vehicles feature some degree of automation, from automatic braking in dangerous situations to warning signals…

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Understanding the World’s Safest and Most Dangerous Airlines

In today’s world, airline passengers always face a certain amount of risk when they step onboard a commercial airplane. While some factors are outside of an airliner’s control, airline policies and procedures can improve or reduce overall safety and security. This January, released a list of the safest airline companies in the world. This…

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What You Need to Know About Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral we previously used in home construction. As a natural flame retardant and insulator, it was an inexpensive way to protect our homes. Unfortunately, we didn’t know at the time that asbestos can have negative health consequences. People began complaining of respiratory problems, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned…

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