What You Need to Know About Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral we previously used in home construction. As a natural flame retardant and insulator, it was an inexpensive way to protect our homes. Unfortunately, we didn’t know at the time that asbestos can have negative health consequences. People began complaining of respiratory problems, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission banned…

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10 Most Dangerous Sports for Children

The benefits of children playing sports are numerous. Activity helps fight childhood obesity, it is associated with improved academic achievement, and it promotes social development. But while each of these aspects is positive, sports can also have a negative physical impact on children. It is no secret that contact sports are dangerous. For example, the…

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To What Standards Can I Hold My Doctor?

Doctors must have extensive education and years of training before they can practice on their own. This intensive preparation fosters trust in physicians, prepares them for the responsibility of medical care, and establishes high expectations for them. While we believe doctors can prescribe and deliver the best treatment, human error is always possible. However, there…

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