What Are Non-Economic Damages In A Personal Injury Case?

If a victim in a personal injury case can prove the defendant’s liability, there are two main types of compensation they can recover – economic and non-economic damages. Most people know about and understand economic damages in these cases. These include things like medical bills, lost income, loss of earning capacity, household services, out-of-pocket expenses,…

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What is a Demand Letter?

One important part of the personal injury settlement process is called the demand letter. A demand letter is sent to the insurance carrier or other parties involved in an insurance claim or lawsuit to “demand” appropriate compensation for injuries and damages an at-fault party caused. Some of the most common types of West Virginia personal…

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What are the Types of Paralysis?

When a person suffers from paralysis, it dramatically affects their lives. Paralysis happens in different ways and varies in severity. Victims of paralysis often require long-term or lifelong medical care. This can become a tremendous expense for a victim and their family. How does paralysis occur? There are various causes of paralysis: Strokes Cerebral palsy…

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Responding to a Low Settlement Offer

If you or a loved one are injured in an accident that was caused by the careless or negligent actions of another person, you should be entitled to compensation. This process can become incredibly complex and you may need a West Virginia personal injury attorney to help. You also need to know what happens if…

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Does Car Insurance Follow the Car or the Driver?

Virtually every driver in the United States must purchase and maintain auto insurance coverage in accordance with state laws for minimum coverage requirements. A fault-based state may require a certain amount of bodily injury, total accident, and property damage liability coverage. A no-fault state will require drivers to carry personal injury protection for use after…

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Can You Sue an Insurance Company for Denying a Claim?

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses that essentially sell paid promises. In exchange for premium payments, the insurance company promises to cover damages in specific circumstances. Insurance companies must process and investigate all policyholder claims in good faith, that is, they must pay out on legitimate claims for covered damages even if the company suffers a…

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What Is a Contingency Fee?

The cost of legal representation is typically more than most average Americans can afford, especially for lengthy cases that take months or even years to resolve. Many attorneys bill their work for their clients by the hour, in increments of fifteen or even ten minutes. This can add up to a tremendous cost to the…

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