Can You Sue for Medical Malpractice Years After Treatment in West Virginia?

We trust medical professionals to provide accurate diagnoses and reliable treatments. When these specialists fail to meet the standards of care set forth by the state, it is considered malpractice. When pursuing a claim related to any negligent damages, there are many factors to consider, and you may not have time to gather evidence, document…

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America’s Opioid Epidemic: Can You Sue a Drug Dealer for Wrongful Death?

Prescription painkillers help patients deal with incredible pain. Unfortunately, these opioids are naturally addictive, and patients often have a hard time weaning off these drugs. In extreme cases, doctor-approved drug use can lead to dependency, overdose, and even death. Complete withdrawal can also be fatal; indeed, these patients and their physicians must carefully balance prescription…

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When Animals Attack: Dog Bites

If you have heard news stories covering animal attacks, specifically dogs, then you probably know they can get pretty serious. In a recent story, a couple was charged with second degree murder after their two large dogs mauled a jogger to death in rural Detroit, Michigan. Although death is not always associated with dog attacks,…

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