Charleston, WV (January 5, 2024) – On Saturday, January 4, there were confirmed injuries following a serious auto accident in the Charleston area. The collision was reported that evening around 7:17 p.m. at the crossing of 36th Street SE and MacCorkle Avenue SE. At least one person involved in the crash was hurt. 

Emergency responders were quickly dispatched to assist the involved parties. Those requiring further treatment were later transferred to a nearby hospital for additional support. The circumstances leading to the accident have not been determined. The area was later reopened to outside traffic after tow trucks removed the resulting debris. An ongoing investigation into the cause of the accident is in progress. 

Our thoughts are with the injured victims and their families at this time. We hope for their full recovery.

West Virginia Distracted Driving Crashes

Charleston, WV - 36th St & MacCorkle Ave Crash Ends in InjuriesDriver distraction is becoming a bigger problem across the country. A lot of serious car accidents happen because drivers aren’t paying attention, with cell phone use being one of the most notable instances of this reckless behavior. Statistics reveal that distracted drivers cause almost 26 percent of all car accidents in West Virginia each year on average. Eating, drinking, or smoking are other common examples. Drivers have been known to travel the distance of a complete football field in the time it takes to send a single text message. You should do everything you can to get the most out of your case by working closely with a skilled legal team if you or someone you care about is hurt by a careless driver. That often means partnering with a team of diligent attorneys to make sure your case is handled fairly at all costs. 

You do not want to take any chances with your recovery after a serious crash. Instead, partner with a diligent Charleston personal injury lawyer to ensure you have every opportunity to achieve a complete recovery. With the help of the legal team at Tiano O’Dell, PLLC, you can pursue a strong personal injury claim to be made whole again. Contact our offices today at (304) 720-6700. 

Note: This post was written for informational purposes only. This post is based on information from secondary sources, and our team has not independently verified the accident details. If you identify any inaccuracies, please contact Tiano O’Dell, PLLC so we can update the post with accurate information. We will also remove the post upon request.

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to solicit business. The information provided should not be interpreted as medical or legal advice. The photo included in this post does not depict the actual accident scene.