What To Do If You Are in an Accident

What To Do If You Are in an Accident

Whether you are on the road, in a public place, at home or at work, an accident can be alarming. There are several things you should do immediately, so try to stay calm so that you can do what is necessary.

Clearly, if you have been injured, you should seek immediate medical attention. Sometimes serious injuries do not cause immediate pain. If you experience even minor pain after an accident, seek treatment as soon as possible to rule out or treat serious problems.

Eyewitnesses could be the key to your injury case

In any type of accident, it is important to locate witnesses and get their names, addresses and telephone numbers. If you are unable to do this, try to ask someone at the scene to do it for you.

If the accident involves motor vehicles, exchange information, including insurance data, with the other driver. Call the police.

If the accident is at a business or your workplace, alert the employees or your manager. An injury report usually must be filed.

When possible, take photos of the accident scene as soon as possible. Take shots from multiple angles and include whatever objects may have been involved. Note the time and date the photos were taken.

Don’t discuss the facts of a car accident with anyone but the police. Tell them the truth.

Insurance adjusters may not be on your side

Call your auto insurance agent and promptly report the accident. You must cooperate with your insurance company. But don’t discuss any aspect of the accident or your injuries with the other person’s insurance company representative. No matter what that person tells you, you are not obligated to be interviewed. Insurance company representatives are looking out for the insurer’s interests, not yours.

The same is true of insurance company representatives looking into other types of accidents. That is why it is a good idea to talk to a lawyer before you talk to any insurance company. Most injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation, so it is in your best interest to take advantage of this to see if you require legal help.

If the accident is serious, or if you are partially or totally at fault in the accident, you should contact a West Virginia injury lawyer prior to speaking to anyone, if practical. Your lawyer can review the facts with you to ensure that your statement is clear and factually correct. If necessary, your lawyer can help you fill out any required accident reports and insurance claim forms.

Protecting your rights. Safeguarding your future.

For an exceptional West Virginia car accident attorney you can trust, contact Tiano O’Dell. We offer a free initial consultation. If we take your case, you pay no fee unless we recover for you.

Once you are our client, you are our client for life.